Lasers in Dentistry – Minimally Invasive Procedures
Dental lasers are a medical technology that emits a beam of concentrated light. When used for surgical and periodontal procedures, the laser acts as a cutting instrument. The procedures performed with dental lasers are minimally invasive and preferable to conventional surgery.
Lasers in dentistry allow for many procedures to be performed with no noise, minimal pain, less bleeding, faster recovery times, and fewer appointments.
Some additional benefits lasers have over traditional methods include:
Lasers have numerous functions in dentistry including:
Why Solea?
The majority of hard and soft tissue procedures in our office are done with virtually no anesthesia and soft tissue procedures are done with virtually no bleeding. Blood-free and anesthesia-free procedures represent a major leap forward in dentistry, as we are able to execute multi-quadrant dentistry, fillings on the fly and soft tissue procedures in a single appointment.
What does that mean for our patients? You are now able to receive the care you need in a fraction of the time. When patients have anesthesia they typically leave the office with that numb feeling still prevalent. With Solea, you are able to go right out to lunch or back to work without that numb sensation following your appointment. Solea is truly changing what it means to go to the dentist.
For more information on Solea, please visit